TripActions Team Travel

I embarked on a transformative journey to envision, design, and push the boundaries of possibilities for Team Travel, a group travel and event organizing feature within TripActions, a $9.2 billion valued (as of Jan 2023) corporate travel and expenses platform.

Company: TripActions
My role: Strategic partner & lead designer
Year: 2021


Grow the tool and enhance its user experience

Team Travel is a self-service tool developed to facilitate the organisation and management of meetings, offsites, or company-wide events.

The initial version (V1) of the product originated from an internal Hackathon idea and was developed solely by software engineers, without any involvement from UX professionals. As a result, despite having strong technical foundations, the product proved difficult for users to use or understand.

As a consequence, the product experienced a low NET booking and limited growth volume.

Our challenge entailed finding solutions to enhance the user experience of the Team Travel tool while simultaneously advancing it to Version 2 with additional features and improvements.

My role

I held the role of lead designer when joining this product, collaborating extensively with the product team as their strategic partner.

User groups

Event Planners

Organising and managing group events

  • Efficiently create events.
  • Utilise travel manifest reports.
  • Estimate costs for budgeting purposes.

Event Participants

Traveling for group events

  • Self-book trips for their respective group events.
  • Have a clear understanding of what needs to be booked and the company’s travel policy.


Overseeing and approving meeting and event activities company-wide

  • Gain visibility into meeting and event activities.
  • Exercise cost control measures.



  1. While the initial version (V0) of the tool only supported events with a maximum capacity of 25 participants, 35% of companies expressed their requirement to organise events with more than 25 participants.
  2. Event participants expressed their need for more comprehensive event information, including details about other attendees, agendas, and updates or changes to the event.
  3. The ability to customize various types of events is crucial due to the diverse range of group meetings and gatherings that have distinct requirements.


Drawing from user research insights, key data indicators, and our primary business metrics, we have identified, prioritised them, and successfully implemented the solutions below.

Introduce distinct self-serve offerings tailored to various event types.

Provide clear communication regarding the various options available for users to select based on their specific event requirements.

Expand the maximum capacity of one event from 25 to up to a thousand participants.

Offer features that enable efficient addition, customisation, management, and coordination of a large number of participants.

Offer enhanced visibility into the data analysis of event activities.

Provide managers with a data analysis and reporting dashboard that encompasses all event activities across the company.

Broaden the scope of customization options for event creation.

Empower event organisers to suggest travel and accommodation options to participants, share event agendas, exercise control over participants’ bookings, share and transfer ownership of events, and more.

Provide an event feed where participants can access event updates and communicate with the organiser.

Present event details, agendas, participant lists, insights, travel recommendations, and messages from organisers and fellow participants.



In 2022, our Team Travel booking volume grew significantly by +512.76%, surpassing the growth rate of global business travel, which stood at +303.56%.

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