Offline Campaign Manager

An internal platform concept that aims at optimizing the process of setting up and launching integrated marketing campaigns.

In 2019,’s Rewards Direct mail channel grew to 1.6M net bookings of which 1M were incremental. Therefore, we wanted to optimize direct mail by improving the current tooling, processes, and adding new reward types (e.g. GEM rewards).
The core vision for the tool was to be shared between offline, email and push notification marketing campaigns.

My scopes: Leading, User Research, UX
Project Status: Prototype


The marketing specialists had to switch among multiple internal and external tools and manually store/retrieve data using spreadsheets when setting up a new campaign. Therefore, their productivity was significantly reduced and they risked the chance of inputing wrong information.

Solution & Vision

My product team had a brainstorming session and came up with the decision to build an integrated tool that facilitates creating, distributing, and analyzing campaigns. The vision for this tool is to:

  1. Automate the process of campaign creation.
  2. Make messages more consistant across channels.
  3. Allowcustomised and detailed user segmentations.
  4. Support different types of rewards and emerging markets.


Ethnography Study

I started the campaign by conducting an ethnography observation of the marketing specialists, the targeted users of this tool, performing their initial campaign creation process. I chose 3 participants with 3 different levels of performance proficiency (beginning, intermediate, and experienced) to study in order to identify a thorough picture of the current situcation. I set up a 1-hour session with each participant, in which observe their casual performance and ask questions at the end. 

After the study, I analysed the data and identified:

  1. An ideal campaign creation flow from the marketing specialists’ perspective
  2. The pain points with the current process that needs to be fixed

Mapping & Designing

Market Research & Mapping

I conducted a market research on other popular Marketing Campaign services, including MailChimp, Asana, Mautic, and SendLane in order to get inspired and identify useful pratices. After that, I sinthesized the findings with learnings from the ethnography sessions and mapped out a structural flow. 


Based on the strutural flow, I designed an interactive wireframe of the tool’s core and most complex function – campaign creation using Adobe XD and Invision. 


Prototype Video

Usability Test


I presented the wireframe to each of other stakeholders that also play an important role in the campaign life cycle including one product manager and one developer. After that, I made the first improvement based on the collected feedback. 

Focus Group

I then conducted a focus group session with 3 marketing specialist participants in which they explored the wireframes, discussed with each other, and provided comments. I made the second improvement to the wireframe after this research. 


Useful learnings for the Marketing Messaging track’s Tool

Although Offline Rewards stopped working by the end of 2019, I managed to present this wireframe to the Email Marketing team, which was also working on the same idea. The learnings from this project have provided helpful insights for them to improve and build their tool in a more user-friendly and efficient direction. Today, their tool has been Live! and used in several campaigns. 

Better collaboration with marketing specialists

The study of the marketing specialists’ way of working and needs also helped other stakeholders have a better understanding of their responsibilities, hence establish a more optimal and effective collaboration with them. 

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